Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mojito dressing

This is a staple in our kitchen! We always have a bowl of it right on the counter and use it every single day.  It is our mojito dressing, so delicious, so healthy, and so simple to make.  This is the base we use for our salad dressing, on our veggies after we steam them, as a dip, a dressing for our wraps and we drizzle it on our meals at times at the very end.  It is used in some latin countries for nearly everything. Instead of buying those unhealthy dressings off the shelf with unnecessary, unhealthy ingredients, use this instead. We have some ideas below you can add to this mix to make it unique depending on what you're in the mood for.

Mojito dressing base:

1. 1 cup olive oil
2. 3 garlic cloves
3. 1/4 cup organic fresh cilantro
4. 1/4 teaspoon himalayan salt

I like to make it fresh every 3 days so this is how much I make at a time.  You can make more to last you longer,  but not more than a week since this recipe calls for fresh organic cilantro and garlic and does turn color if out for too long.

In a mortar and pestle as you can see in the picture, you can mash the garlic and cilantro with the salt until it's almost a paste because of the release of its juices while mashing them together.  If you do not have a mortar and pestle, you can try using your food processor.

When it's mashed really well as you see in the picture, add to the olive oil in a bowl.  You want to cover it until use.  It's that simple to make, and the flavors get better as the garlic and cilantro sit in the oil longer.  Now like I said before, this is a base for our dressings.  These are some additions we mix in with it.

NOTE: when it comes to dressings, before you add it, dress up your salad and veggies with some herbs such as oregano, pepper and a little salt, so you only need to use very little dressing.  I love adding some crushed red peppers for a little kick.

1.  Vegenaise (an eggless mayo we get at Whole Foods) is great when we feel like a creamy dressing, we add just a half a teaspoon to a half a teaspoon of the mojito to our salad.

2.  Vinegar, whether it's rice, white, apple cider, or red wine vinegar, we add just a half a teaspoon to a half a teaspoon of the mojito dressing as a light dressing.

3.  We toss a teaspoon of the mojito dressing with a half a teaspoon of mustard and vegenaise for our wraps.

4.  We add a teaspoon of soy or teriyaki sauce to a teaspoon of the mojito dressing and toss well with sometimes a quarter of a teaspoon of miso paste and add to our chicken, steak, fish, veggies, quinoa or anything else you like.

Keep in mind that this is something you can use on its own or toss up with something else to make it the perfect tasting homemade sauce.

CILANTRO health benefits:

1. full of an array of antioxidants and healing phytonutrients.  The juice of the leaves are used for medicinal purposes.  It is an antiseptic, aphrodisiac, helps with digestion, and a natural stimulant.

2. high amounts of calcium, potassium, and vitamins such as A, K, C, and some Bs.

3. antibiotic tested and proven effective at killing food-borne bacteria, such as salmonella.

4. excellent source of omega 3 and 6.

5. helps control blood sugar, stimulating the secretion of insulin, lowering blood sugar.

6. lowers bad cholesterol.

7. used as a heavy metal detox, detoxifying mercury, lead, and aluminum among others.  Blend cilantro juice with chlorella powder and drink everyday for brain power.

8. provides calming effects to the nerves that enable sleep to come easier.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Chocolate Raspberry Macaroons

"At last -- Coconut Flour, a delicious alternative to wheat and grain, that's packed with dietary fiber and it's a good source of protein too"

Warning: these cookies are very addicting! I find myself wanting these more than a plate of dinner.
The great thing is they are healthy made from coconuts, dark chocolate, and healthy fats.  The problem some may encounter is you think you can eat a whole batch because they are made of healthy ingredients so in moderation these are the perfect dessert! Although Rob walks you through this recipe in the video, I will jot it down for you here, so you can see it as well.  The ingredients are highlighted in the recipe below.

Pre heat oven to 375.

Prep work:

1. In a pan add 1/4 cup coconut oil and 1/4 cup of raw or grass fed butter and melt (we love the flavor butter gives it but if you prefer no dairy, just use all coconut oil)
2. chop up about 3/4 of a cup of dark unsweetened chocolate or you can buy cacao nibs or dark chocolate chips.

In the blendtec blender we add:

1. 4 eggs
2. 1/8 teaspoon of himalayan salt
3. 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
4. 1/2 cup raw honey
5. pour the melted oil and butter in the mix.

Spin just enough to blend all the ingredients.

Add to that mix in the blender 1/2 cup unsweetened organic coconut flakes, and turn blender on low. While it's blending, add little by little 1/2 cup organic coconut flour.  Add the chocolate to the mix and blend.  Make sure it is the perfect amount because it can throw the texture of the cookies off by adding a little too much or too little of the flour.

Take a sheet pan and put parchment paper on it.  Take the mixture and roll them into balls and flatten them on the parchment paper.  Put them in the over for 18 minutes.  Keep oven light on and check on them periodically because every oven seems to be slightly different.  Just make sure they are lightly brown.

Take them out and add organic raspberry jelly (with that being the only ingredient in the jar) or you can always spin your own raspberries in a blender and add to the top middle of the cookie.  Pop back in the oven for 3-4 minutes.

Take them out and let them cool.  You can also put them in the fridge like we do to cool them down faster so we can eat them sooner!


Coconut flour:

1. Contains the highest percentage of fiber of any other flour with a whopping 58%
2. Gluten-free and hypoallergenic 
3. Works well as a part of a weight loss program because of its high fiber content which promotes a feeling of fullness
4. Has fewer digestible carbs than other flours and even some vegetables

Monday, August 11, 2014

Creamy Oatmeal Smoothie

This is one way to get your oatmeal and a smoothie all together in one for a delicious breakfast or any time of the day! I love it in the mid afternoon at times if I want an ice cream, this fulfills that craving. Now if you want it gluten free, make sure you buy the organic oats.  From what I have learned in my research, organic oats do not contain gluten, only the non-organic kind which has been harvested next to other grains that contain gluten such as rye and barley.  Also be sure to buy the ones not mixed with any other ingredients, just plain organic oats.  I like the steel oats and rolled oats myself, these being very close to their natural form, unrefined oat grotes (whole grain oats) and very little heat is used in the making process .

NOTE: for this recipe, have some cut up frozen bananas.  Take a banana and cut it up into 1 inch rounds.  Freeze in a freezer bag or container of your choice overnight. Soak 2 dates overnight as well in a bowl with just enough water covering them.


1. 4 oz of almond milk
2. 4 oz plain kefir
3. 2 soaked dates, pitted
4. a half of an apple cut up
5. 1 fresh cinnamon stick
6. 4 pieces of cut up frozen banana
7. a quarter of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon
8. 1 teaspoon of raw honey
9. a half cup of oats
10. 12 small ice cubes or 6 big ones

Put all the ingredients in the blender except the oats and the cinnamon stick and blend it all well until thick consistency.  Add the oats and blend it a little more so it's stirred in there a bit and so there are little pieces of oats in the smoothie.  After you pour it in a tall glass, add the cinnamon stick. You might need a spoon, it's like an ice cream!


1. reduces oxidative stress naturally.  The antioxidants in oats helps fight free radicals 
2. beta-glucan, the fiber in oats, enhances the human immune system response to bacterial infection
3. beta-glucan has beneficial effects on diabetes.  The soluble fiber slows the absorption of glucose, which keeps sugar spikes and dips at bay
4. rich in magnesium which is key to enzyme function and energy production.  Relaxes blood vessels which prevents strokes and heart attacks, aiding the heart muscle and lowering blood pressure.
5. Helps with weight loss as this food is loaded with fiber so you feel full longer and lowers your cravings for unhealthy snacks.  It is very low in fat, calories, and full of vitamins.  
6. It aids in constipation with its high fiber content.
7. Oats can be used on the skin for a remedy to skin problems such as acne, chicken pox, stress rashes and dermatitis.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir

ELIXIRA magical or medicinal potion

I just love incorporating ingredients in my recipes that I know are going into my body working miracles. And this is no exaggeration when it comes to apple cider vinegar. There has been a buzz about it the past few years although since 5000 BC the Babylonians have been using it as a preservative and condiment.  Legend has it that the queen of the Nile, Cleopatra, drank this cocktail and Hippocrates used this as a medicinal drink. I was stunned by all of the endless write ups on this one elixir.

Now I use it religiously in my dressings, on my hair, on my skin, and as a slim down drink before every meal. I'll share with you a couple of my homemade mixtures.

Why I drink my ACV everyday is a list below, add 2 tablespoons to one cup of water or grapefruit juice and drink a half hour before every meal and anytime during the day.

1. For aiding in weight loss:

a. Data shows some significant weight loss and a decline in body fat around the abdominal area, waist circumference, and triglycerides from daily intake of acetic acid, the main ingredient in ACV.

b. The pectin in apples, being an insoluble fiber, give you that feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

c. The acid in ACV helps your body break down the protein you eat into amino acids. This will help increase the availability of amino acids to create more growth hormone.  Growth hormone plays an important role in weight loss.

d. ACV helps the body release iron, responsible for carrying oxygen to the blood cells, and oxygen is essential to burn energy (calories) in your body.

e. Regulates your blood sugar levels.

2. ACV helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline PH level.  Research shows that higher acidic levels leads to lack of energy, disease and infection to grow.  Cancer cannot survive in an alkali environment, another reason ACV is known for.

3. As part of balancing your PH levels, ACV creates an overall detoxification of the body.  Research shows that it helps stimulate cardiovascular circulation and detoxifies the liver.

4. This miracle vinegar breaks down mucous throughout the body and cleanses the lymph nodes.
Known for its great affects on allergies, it helps stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms which are sore throats and headaches.

5. It brightens skin naturally, you will see your cheeks get a glow right after you drink this mix.  It helps psoriasis, eczema, to dry skin and blemishes.  Just dab some on your problem areas with a cotton ball.
This delicious salad dressing is one light, and simple dressing I love to keep in the fridge to use for days.  Try and stay away from store bought dressings. They contain ingredients you do not need.  It is so cost effective and healthier to make it yourself.  Here is what you need:

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt, real salt, or celtic salt

Blend these in a blender.  Bottle up and keep in the fridge.  It is also a delicious addition to any dish you are cooking.

For your hair, it is AMAZING for shine and softness.  If you suffer from frizz, this will help. All you need to do is after you shampoo, tilt your head back and pour a half a cup of ACV from scalp to ends, and run it through your hair with your hands.  Clip your hair up and do everything else in the shower and then rinse off well so you don't smell like it after.  Add your conditioner after that.  You will feel the softness and see the shine.  Sometimes I add three eggwhites to a bowl with ACV and whisk, then put that on my hair as a treatment for a couple of hours.  ACV has also been proven to help with lice and dandruff.


5.  Candida- this vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that help your body get rid of candida.  It is a yeast that builds up in the body and causes memory loss, fatigue, infections, sugar cravings, amongst other things.

6. Heartburn- though it might seem funny to treat stomach acid with an acid containing vinegar, there is research suggesting that ACV works by helping stomach acid, and reduces heartburn.  It also helps prevent indigestion and GI stress.

7. Mood Enhancement- Aside from growth hormone, amino acids are a part of the creation of tryptophan, which plays a critical role in the release of seratonin.  Found in the brain, it is a "feel good" neurotransmitter. It elevates mood and helps us relax.  It fights off symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Food Matters Is A Must See

Food Matters is a must see for anyone who wants to understand how foods impacts our health and overall well-being. We have watched this several times and still learn something new every time we view it. Get it, watch it and share it with others!

"Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food"
- Hippocrates. 

That is the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in the controversial documentary film Food Matters from Producer-Directors James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.

With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'sickness industry' and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for overcoming illness naturally.

"With access to better information people invariably
make better choices for their health..."

In what promises to be the most contentious idea put forward, the filmmakers have interviewed several leading experts in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer.

The focus of the film is in helping us rethink the belief systems fed to us by our modern medical and health care establishments. The interviewees point out that not every problem requires costly, major medical attention and reveal many alternative therapies that can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than conventional medical treatments.

The ‘Food Matters' duo have independently funded the film from start to finish in order to remain as unbiased as possible, delivering a clear and concise message to the world. Food Matters. 

"James and Laurentine provide a radiant beacon of hope with steps you can do today to take control of your health and begin healing."

Dr Joseph Mercola - Author of the world's most popular online Natural Health Newsletter.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Stuffed portabella mushroom

I love this hearty delicious mixture of vegetables, the portabella and cauliflower make this a filling, healthy, comfort food!

The ingredients you will need are highlighted in the recipe below:

1. Preheat the oven at 325.

2. Rinse a whole large portabella mushroom and cut the stem off.  Put the stem aside.

3. Spread some coconut oil on both sides of the portabella and lay on a sheet pan, put in the oven for 15 minutes on each side.

4. Dice up a quarter cup of red and yellow peppers, and a tablespoon of onions. Also take the portabella stems and dice those up. Take one garlic clove and mash it well.  If you do not have a mortar or garlic presser, just cut it up really small. Mashing it is the best to release all the juices of the garlic.

5. In a small bowl add a half a teaspoon of miso paste (it can be red or white miso), add a sprinkle of himalayan salt, and black pepper, a dash of red chili flakes (optional if you do not like spicy) a teaspoon of lime juice, and a teaspoon of shoyu sauce toss it with a fork until the miso mixes well with the lime juice.

6. In a pan, add a half of a teaspoon of coconut oil on low to medium heat.  Add the onions, garlic, portabella stems and peppers when the pan and oil are heated.  Toss them for about a minute so they are still crisp and set aside.

7. While the portabella is cooking, take a head of cauliflower and cut in 4.  You will only need one quarter of it for one mushroom. You might have some left over depending on the size.  A little goes a long way.  Cut the hard stem and put the florets in a blender or food processor until they look like grains of rice. Add the rice to a kitchen towel and wring it to get the excess liquid out.  In a pan, add half a teaspoon of coconut oil, and turn it on low to medium. Once it's heated, add the cauliflower rice and cover for 10 minutes.  Uncover and add the pepper, mushroom stems, onion and garlic mix, and the sauce mixture. I add a half a cup of spinach, toss and cover for another 5 minutes.

8. Put your portabella on a plate and add the concoction to the middle.  If you wish as I do at times, sprinkle with a little bit of cheese.

**health benefits of himalayan salt

1. With it's pink like color, this salt has been prized for its nutritional value as it contains 84 minerals in total. 
2. Considered healthier than other table salts because it has no additives or chemicals. 
3. It is used for body detoxification in salt baths by balancing your PH.
4. Supports a healthy and fiery metabolism
5. Improved sleep by supporting blood sugar and hormone balance.
6. Supports weight loss by balancing hormones and improving energy.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Strawberry Daiquiri Smoothie

I was experimenting in my kitchen and when I took a sip, first thing I said was "Oh my!! this tastes like a strawberry daiquiri" The funny thing is the fennel with its licorice flavor makes it taste like it's spiked, what a wonderful surprise, haha!!

NOTE: freeze your pineapple and strawberries overnight.  You can buy ground flax seeds or make your own by using a coffee grinder or like I do, grind it in my blender.  


In your blender add:

1. 6 oz of cherry juice (when you pick your cherry juice make sure on the label it is 100% organic cherry juice, no sweeteners or other preservatives) 

2. 4 oz of organic, fresh squeezed orange juice

3. 2 oz of kefir (if you are not well informed on kefir, i will be writing an entire post on this amazing probiotic cultured food.  There is even a simple recipe I will share to make at home kefir, but for now you can buy the organic plain kefir and if the bottle is swollen, it's even better, it is a perfectly fermented food so it should swell.  
4. 1 cup of organic kale

5. 2 oganic fennel stems

6. 1/2 cup of organic parsley

7. 1 tablespoon of raw honey

8. 1 teaspoon of ground flax seeds

9. 1 quarter of a small organic beet

10. 1 quarter of a hass avocado, or half of a quarter of a large Florida avocado

11. 1 cup of the frozen pineapple

12. 1 cup of the frozen strawberries

13. 1 whole freshly squeezed lime

I added no ice cubes to this one since the frozen fruit did the job perfectly!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Skinsational smoothie

There are a number of foods that will naturally add youth and health to your biggest organ, your skin, when consumed on a regular basis.  I chose a few of them for my smoothie, although I do switch what I put in it all of the time because most fruits, vegetables and nuts are excellent choices. I make this one smoothie that makes me glow right after I drink it.

Notes: have your almond milk ready, the recipe is in one of my previous posts under nut milks.  An hour before you make this, soak a tablespoon of chia seeds in just enough water to cover them. Buy fresh organic blueberries and freeze a cup overnight, also freeze 6 grapes.

In your blender add:

1. 8 oz almond milk-  very rich in Vitamin E and protein (save the almond meal when you make it for a facial mask)

2. One quarter of a hass avocado or one half of a quarter of a big Florida avocado-  Rich in fatty acids and antioxidants- known to increase collagen production and target wrinkles, also if you scrape and mash the pulp closest to the skin, use it as a mask.

3. 1 cup organic blueberries- full of antioxidants

4. 6 organic grapes (any color is fine, but the deeper the color, the better) make sure you include the seed and skin, they are the most beneficial containing resveratrol, known to fight aging and increase longetivity.

5. 1 tablespoon raw honey- besides ingesting it, it is a great topical solution for cleansing sensitive skin, treating dry skin, and even treating acne.

6. 1 quarter of a cucumber- excellent skin hydrator

7. 1 half cup of organic kale- rich source of lutein which is known to reduce wrinkles

8. 6 small ice cubes or 3 large ones

9. I always stir in my chia seeds in my smoothie after it is done but if you do not like the consistency of them just take the soaked chia seeds and remove the excess water and add to other ingredients in the blender- chia seeds nourishes your cells with its high source of omega 3 which makes your skin glow and keeps toxins out.  

Blend well until smooth. Pour and add a straw!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Chocolate covered strawberry smoothie

If I didn't know the difference between eating and drinking I would think this a chocolate covered strawberry!  I just love experimenting with ingredients to see what healthy way I can make my favorite foods.  This one is a winner!

Note: wash, cut the stems, and freeze strawberries overnight, I find that instead of using extra icecubes that can make it watery, if you add the frozen strawberries, it will chill the smoothie perfectly.  Have your almond milk made, if you have cashew or coconut milk, you can use these as substitutes.

In your blender add:

1. 8 oz of almond milk
2. 1 cup of frozen strawberries
3. 2 Tablespoons raw cacao
4. 1 teaspoon of maca {at only 10 calories a teaspoon, this miracle cruciferous vegetable has a nutty flavor, making it perfect for smoothies, it gives you a subtle, non jittery energy from its 55 phytochemicals}
5. a quarter of a hass avocado (if it's a big Florida avocado, use half of a quarter)
6. half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
7. 5 small ice cubes or 3 big ones
8. 1 tablespoon of raw honey or if you prefer use 2 soaked pitted dates

BLEND WELL and drink with a straw! it's so much more enjoyable for some reason!

***Did you know that maca has been considered "THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH" by Peruvian natives and Incas for centuries??!! They have call it "magic, the food of the Gods, a natural viagra, a miracle drug." 

*It is part of the radish, broccoli, and watercress family
*Enhances fertility, enhances libido, and the male sex drive and sperm productions 
*boosts your immune system with its 22 amino acids, b vitamins, vitamin c, zinc and calcium
*helps with migrains
*addresses the destructive actions of mental, emotional, and physical stress on the body reducing the effects of cortisol on the adrenal glands.
*regulates the thymus, pancreas, and thyroid gland

Friday, August 1, 2014

Smoothie FAQs

Unlike juicing, where the juice of a fruit and vegetable is extracted leaving the pulp behind, a smoothie is made with the whole fruit and vegetable with added juice, milk, or yogurt making it richer in nutrients and fiber.  Although both are great choices, what some people don't know is how healthy some of the peel and pulp is.  Here is a list of benefits and tips on your smoothies:

1.  The blending process keeps all of that great fiber in from the fruits and vegetables, which helps create a slow, even release of nutrients into the blood stream, avoiding spikes in your blood sugar.

2.  Aside from fiber, smoothies provide an extra boost of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals because it often contains fruit skins and pith.

2.  Smoothies tend to be more filling because of the fiber and much easier to make than juicing.

3.  It really is up to you if you want to peel your fruits and vegetables.  The peel makes the smoothie denser, thicker, and adds more nutrients.  Something as thick and hard as a pineapple, oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruit, and avocado peel we want to discard.  When it comes to carrots, I don't peel them because the peel is so thin, and a beet I peel just the hard top off.  When it comes to apples and pears I leave the peel on.  

4.  When it comes to seeds, the avocado seed, peach, plum or date seed obviously gets tossed, but something like grapes, kiwi and berries, those all go in the blender.

5.  Blenders and Juicers are very important in this process.  You want a blender that is gentle on your produce and doesn't heat up the enzymes and break apart the fiber.  It ends up not blending smooth and the taste is pretty bad.  It is a worthwhile investment that will last you a long time.  I have had mine for 10 years now where before I would buy a $50 blender a year.  Do the math!

6.  If you are not going to drink your smoothie right away after blending, store in a dark, tight container in the fridge or on the go so you don't lose many of its nutrients that just air can kill.

7.  Smoothies are excellent for busy people.  You just blend and go, and have all the nutrients you need without eating 10 vegetables in one sitting, you drink them instead!

8.  My favorite benefit is our blood becomes alkali with fruits and vegetables, and cancer cannot survive in an alkali environment!  

Chai delight

My chai delight smoothie has all the delicious fall spices we love, but I make it a year round treat! I make it with cashew milk so just have your milk ready and have 3 dates soaking in a bowl overnight. Follow the cashew milk recipe in my previous post labeled "nut milks." They sell ready made cashew milk at the health food store refrigerated but it is very costly and it is very easy to make.  Although the recipe does not call for bananas, I use a few frozen pieces to make it even creamier.  If you want to add them just cut a banana into 1 inch rounds and freeze in a baggie overnight)


1. 8 oz of cashew milk in the blender
2. half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon
3. half a teaspoon of ground cardamom
4. half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg
5. quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper
6. half a teaspoon of ground cloves
8. 3 soaked and pitted dates
9. half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
10. 12 small ice cubes or 6 big ones
***I love raw honey in my chai as well, I add 1 tablespoon, but it's optional if you do not want it sweeter and I add 3 pieces of my cut up frozen bananas as well.
***One important thing here also is if you do not want to put all the spices it will taste delicious with just cinnamon and nutmeg along with the dates and vanilla.  

Cinnamon's health benefits:

* Rich in manganese, Cinnamon reduces mood swings and cramps, helping balance your hormones
* Sprinkle some cinnamon on your doorstep to ward off pests, also use cinnamon essential oil on your skin, and hair to keep the mosquitos away
* Improves circulation, thins the blood, and manages sugar levels so you have fewer sugar cravings
* It helps protect teeth and gums from damage and bad breath
* Alertness, mood, and memory, whether you ingest it or breathe it in
* Arthritis pain reliever as it is a natural anti-inflammatory
* As an anti-bacterial, it is known to be a life saver when it comes to food poisoning
* Ranks one of the highest in the antioxidant department among all the spices