Thursday, February 8, 2018

Homemade almond flour bread

I really can't believe it took me this long to bake this healthy yummy goodness called bread.  I searched grocery stores for so very long looking for the perfect bread. One that has ingredients I could actually understand, is healthy, and delicious.  I didn't think it existed.  I have tasted the breads friends made they called paleo, keto, low carb, no grain, etc... and every time they all tasted nothing like bread, and I am just being polite.  Sometimes it takes awhile to figure it out, but I love to research and experiment before I find what I am looking for that satisfies my palate and be able to share it with you.  So here it is, one of my favorite breads I have made so far, with only 7 ingredients.

First turn oven on to 375.  In a baking pan of 9 x 5 or 8 x 4 add 4 tablespoons of butter and melt in the oven, take out and set aside.  In your food processor add 1.25 of almond flour and .25 of coconut flour, 3 teaspoons of baking powder, a pinch of salt, the melted butter and the yolks of 6 eggs.  (make sure to keep the buttered pan aside to add the finished mixture to) The egg whites you will want to leave in a bowl, add 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar and whip with a fork until you see the soft peaks forming, which is soft white bubbles that stretch into peaks on the top of the egg whites, this will give the finish product volume.  Once you are done whipping, add a quarter of a cup of the egg whites to the mixture in the food processor and turn on for like 10 seconds, then add the remainder of the egg whites and turn back on until a nice soft blend which takes about 40 seconds.  Add the mixture to the buttered pan and put in oven for 45 minutes.  Take out and let cool a bit before cutting.

Keep in mind you can leave out coconut flour if you want and do all almond flour.  I like the coconut flour because it makes it a little bit crisp on the outside.  The almond flour alone will make the bread a little bit moist, which is good too but i like the solid crispiness of the outside, and the softness inside, perfect combo for me.  This bread is delicious and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I love the benefits of almonds, and coconut, with its high protein content and many other benefits, it makes for perfect recipes.  You should know this bread will survive fresh in your fridge for a week, you can freeze it ofcourse but it is the best right out of the oven.  You can put your own twist to it, just add cheese inside or on top at the end, add any veggies or proteins, or fruit.  You really can be so creative with this recipe.  I love it just like it is with a fried egg on top for breakfast or a veggie sandwich really is amazing.  The best is knowing you are eating super healthy but not sacrificing the taste.  ENJOY!!!