Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homemade white kidney bean soup

Don't you just LOVE eating something so yummy, satisfying, and yet so healthy? I know that has been my mission in the kitchen, always to experiment so I do not miss out on things I do love that I refuse to have.  This fall white bean soup is our very favorite in the Alvarez household.  We make a big pot and have it for the rest of the week. The thick juice that's created by the white beans is like no other bean, it's very flavorful even without the herbs and spices I add.  Did you know white kidney bean is added to some weight loss products?  That is because it is the most fibrous of all beans, making you full quick and keeping those pipes squeaky clean! This recipe does take a good 3 and 1/2 hours to make but this can be done while you're home watching a show or taking a nap even since most of it is left to cook on its own. Below I will highlight in bold letters the ingredients you will need.

You will need to soak 2 cups of kidney beans overnight in a pot with water covering the beans, sometimes I make navy white beans if kidney is not available. The next day, dump that water, add 10 cups of water to the 2 cups of beans to a big pot, close lid on medium for 2 hrs.

While the beans are cooking, you want to make "sofrito" that is a seasoning my mother always keeps in the fridge to use on almost every Cuban dish she makes, and now so do I.  As you see in the second picture, that is the mixture.  All you do is take a half of a green pepper, a half of a big white onion, or 1 small one, about 10 garlic cloves and a half of a tablespoon of himalayan salt.  Add to blender and pulse this mix so it is chunky and not creamy as you can see in my blender above.  I will pour this entire mixture in my beans but sometimes I make extra and keep it in the fridge for other dishes.  Now you will set this aside.  After the 2 hours, open up the pot and pour this in.  Also add a half of a teaspoon of black pepper, a half of a teaspoon of cumin, a half of a teaspoon of himalayan salt but you can add more according to your preference.  Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil.  

This is OPTIONAL, smoked ham (ofcourse we buy the healthiest kind, pasture raised, no nitrates or hormones, or biproducts) but we love it for the flavor.  You can add instead smoked turkey bacon, or just keep it plant based.  I have added yukon gold potatoes cut up in cubes in the past, but I don't now because of the starchiness and heavyness of the carb.  They are a delicious addition though if you want to use them.  Close the lid and leave for 1 and 1/2 hours on medium and add 2 cups of arugula once you open the lid.  Watercress instead of arugula is how my mom always makes it, which is delicious as well but it's not available often where I shop.  I like to add it at the end so the arugula does not disappear during the cooking process.

I love to eat my beans with a side of quinoa, hot sauce, and a slice of avocado.  In doing this I do not miss my rice which we always ate with beans growing up.  This is one delicious comfort food you can have all week as a main dish or a side dish.  Enjoy!!


*packed with folic acid, protein, fiber, and complex carbs, this should be a part of any weight loss program.
*they produce alpha-amylase inhibitors which help regulate fat storage in the body.
*one of the most concentrated forms of a trace mineral called molybdenum which is required to make and activate a number of detoxifying enzymes important for good health
*converts sulfites into safer sulfites.  Sulfites (which are added to some alcohol) are known to cause adverse health reactions such as migraines, tension and cluster headaches, as well as asthma symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome as I have been looking for recipes to replace rice and pastas!! Can you tell me why you emphasize using Himalayan Salt ? I am not familiar with it... thanks!!! ♥
