Friday, August 8, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir

ELIXIRA magical or medicinal potion

I just love incorporating ingredients in my recipes that I know are going into my body working miracles. And this is no exaggeration when it comes to apple cider vinegar. There has been a buzz about it the past few years although since 5000 BC the Babylonians have been using it as a preservative and condiment.  Legend has it that the queen of the Nile, Cleopatra, drank this cocktail and Hippocrates used this as a medicinal drink. I was stunned by all of the endless write ups on this one elixir.

Now I use it religiously in my dressings, on my hair, on my skin, and as a slim down drink before every meal. I'll share with you a couple of my homemade mixtures.

Why I drink my ACV everyday is a list below, add 2 tablespoons to one cup of water or grapefruit juice and drink a half hour before every meal and anytime during the day.

1. For aiding in weight loss:

a. Data shows some significant weight loss and a decline in body fat around the abdominal area, waist circumference, and triglycerides from daily intake of acetic acid, the main ingredient in ACV.

b. The pectin in apples, being an insoluble fiber, give you that feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

c. The acid in ACV helps your body break down the protein you eat into amino acids. This will help increase the availability of amino acids to create more growth hormone.  Growth hormone plays an important role in weight loss.

d. ACV helps the body release iron, responsible for carrying oxygen to the blood cells, and oxygen is essential to burn energy (calories) in your body.

e. Regulates your blood sugar levels.

2. ACV helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline PH level.  Research shows that higher acidic levels leads to lack of energy, disease and infection to grow.  Cancer cannot survive in an alkali environment, another reason ACV is known for.

3. As part of balancing your PH levels, ACV creates an overall detoxification of the body.  Research shows that it helps stimulate cardiovascular circulation and detoxifies the liver.

4. This miracle vinegar breaks down mucous throughout the body and cleanses the lymph nodes.
Known for its great affects on allergies, it helps stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms which are sore throats and headaches.

5. It brightens skin naturally, you will see your cheeks get a glow right after you drink this mix.  It helps psoriasis, eczema, to dry skin and blemishes.  Just dab some on your problem areas with a cotton ball.
This delicious salad dressing is one light, and simple dressing I love to keep in the fridge to use for days.  Try and stay away from store bought dressings. They contain ingredients you do not need.  It is so cost effective and healthier to make it yourself.  Here is what you need:

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt, real salt, or celtic salt

Blend these in a blender.  Bottle up and keep in the fridge.  It is also a delicious addition to any dish you are cooking.

For your hair, it is AMAZING for shine and softness.  If you suffer from frizz, this will help. All you need to do is after you shampoo, tilt your head back and pour a half a cup of ACV from scalp to ends, and run it through your hair with your hands.  Clip your hair up and do everything else in the shower and then rinse off well so you don't smell like it after.  Add your conditioner after that.  You will feel the softness and see the shine.  Sometimes I add three eggwhites to a bowl with ACV and whisk, then put that on my hair as a treatment for a couple of hours.  ACV has also been proven to help with lice and dandruff.


5.  Candida- this vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that help your body get rid of candida.  It is a yeast that builds up in the body and causes memory loss, fatigue, infections, sugar cravings, amongst other things.

6. Heartburn- though it might seem funny to treat stomach acid with an acid containing vinegar, there is research suggesting that ACV works by helping stomach acid, and reduces heartburn.  It also helps prevent indigestion and GI stress.

7. Mood Enhancement- Aside from growth hormone, amino acids are a part of the creation of tryptophan, which plays a critical role in the release of seratonin.  Found in the brain, it is a "feel good" neurotransmitter. It elevates mood and helps us relax.  It fights off symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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